Beacham, Anna d. 1 Jul 1903 80 yrs. R 88 S 380
  Beacham. On Wednesday, July 1, 1903 at 10:50 p.m. after a lingering illness, Miss Anne Beacham for 43 years a faithful domestic in the family of C.B. Church. Funeral services at her late residence, 306 11th street southwest, Friday, July 3 at 2 p.m. Friends invited to attend. Interment private.  
  Beacham, Helen d. 8 Nov 1862 14 yrs. R 64 S 94
  Beachem. On the 8th inst., Helen Beacham, youngest daughter of John G. and Mary Beacham in the 15th year of her age, of pneumonia. The friends and relatives of the family are invited to attend the funeral at the residence of her father on south G street between 8th and 9th at 2 o'clock p.m., on Monday, November 10.
     Dearest Helen thou hast left us
     Here awhile on earth to mourn
     Thou wast with us in thy childhood
     But in thy womanhood was torn
     Away from friends who loved thee dearly
     To the sad and dreary tomb
     While we stood beside thy coffin
     Tears of grief unbidden flowed--
     Though we grieved not for the body
     But for thine undying soul
     Thou didst call on thy dear Savior,
     When reflecting on the past;
     Yes, we hope thy faith was fully strengthened
     To accept him at the last
     That you and all who love that Savior
     At the judgment day may meet.
     And there recount the great redemption
     At our dear Redeemer's feet.
  Beacham, Mary J. d. 8 Jun 1891 R 64 S 292
  Beacham. In Portsmouth, Va., June 8, 1891 at 12:45 a.m., Mary Jane, beloved wife of Gunner K.J. Beacham, U.S.N.
     May she rest in peace.
Funeral from No. 657 South Carolina avenue, Wednesday evening 4 o'clock p.m., thence to St. Peter's Church. Relatives and friends invited to attend.
  Beacham, William E. d. 21 Jun 1885 24 yrs. 28 days R 64 S 291
  Beacham. Departed this life Sunday, June 21, 1885 at 1:10 p.m., William E. Beacham, the only and beloved son of Mary J. and E.J. Beacham, U.S.N., aged 24 years and 28 days.
