Barkley, Eliza A. | d. 21 Oct 1885 | 55 yrs. | R 74 S 299 |
Barkley. Fell asleep in Jesus, October 21, 1885 at 20 minutes past 11 o'clock p.m., Eliza A. Barkley, beloved wife of G.W. Barkley aged 55 years. The clouds of grief are heaping Their shadows on my brow Oh chide me not for weeping For I have no mother now. Kate Funeral from her late residence, 321 6th street southeast, Saturday, October 24 at 2 p.m. Friends and relatives invited to attend (Baltimore Sun and Port Tobacco Times please copy). |
Barkley, George W. | d. 1 Sep 1893 | 65 yrs. 3 days | R 1 S 184 |
Barkley. On Friday, September 1, 1893 at 10:30 a.m., after a long illness, George W. Barkley, aged 65 years and 3 days. Past his suffering, past his pain; Cease to weap, for tears are vain, Calm the tumult of thy breast For he who suffered is at rest. Funeral from his late residence, 618 C street s.e. on Monday, September 4 at 3 p.m. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. More |
Barkley, William | d. 8 Nov 1888 | 1 yr. 17 days | R 1 S 184 |
Barkley. November 8, 1888 at 11 p.m., William F., only and beloved child of Walter and Emma Barkley, aged 1 year 17 days. Funeral from his grandfather's residence, Mr. James Doddrell, No. 734 9th street southeast, Sunday at 2 p.m. |