Baltzer, Dr. Robert M. d. 4 Jan 1838 25 yrs. R 33 S 88
  Baltzer. In this city, yesterday morning, in the twenty-sixth year of his age, Dr. R.M. Baltzer, passed assistant surgeon in the U.S. Navy, of pulmonary consumption, leaving a mother and family of relatives, and a numerous circle of attached friends, to lament his premature dissolution. Young, respected, and accomplished, not only in his profession, but in literature and general knowledge, with the brightest prospects of life, and a happy disposition, gratefully (if he had been permitted) to enjoy them, the mysterious will of Providence has seen fit to call him from them, it is hoped, to still happier enjoyments. His friends and acquaintances, and the officers of the Navy and Army, are respectfully requested to attend his funeral at 2 o'clock p.m. this day, (Friday,) from the residence of Mr. Webb, corner of 11th and G streets west, near the Catholic church.  
  Baltzer, Susan d. 18 Apr 1863 79 yrs. R 33 S 87
  Baltzer. On the morning of the 18th instant, at 3 o'clock, of paralysis in her 80th year of her age, Mrs. Susan Baltzer, being a resident of Washington. Her funeral will take place on tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, the 19th at 4 o'clock, from her residence No. 354 corner of G and 11th sts. Her friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend without further notice.