Andre, Cora A. d. 5 Mar 1892 20 yrs. R 73 S 197
  Andre. On Saturday, March 5, 1892 at 5 o'clock p.m., Cora A., wife of William A. Andre, jr., aged 20 years. Funeral from her father's residence, 421 8th street southeast, Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend.  
  Andre, Frederick O. d. 30 Apr 1898 17 yrs. R 21 S 113
  Andre. On Saturday, April 30, 1898 at 3:10 a.m., Freddie Andre aged 17 years. Funeral Monday, May 2 at 3 p.m. from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Rosa Mangum, 1248 G street southeast. Friends and relatives invited to attend.  
  Andre, William A. d. 11 Mar 1894 50 yrs. R 20 S 114
  Andre. On Sunday, March 11, 1894, at 5 o'clock a.m. after a lingering illness, William A. Andre, aged 50 years, the beloved husband of Rosa E. Andre. Funeral from his late residence, 317 9th street southeast, Tuesday, March 13, at 3 o'clock p.m. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend.

  Andre, William A. d. 15 Apr 1900 31 yrs. R 19 S 108
  Andre. On Sunday, April 15, 1900, at 2 a.m., William A., beloved husband of Mary G. Andre, in his 32nd year, at his residence, 510 8th street southeast. Funeral will take place from St. Peter's Church. Requiem high mass. Interment at Congressional cemetery. Friends invited.

Andre. The remains of the late William Andre will be taken from the vault and interred in Congressional cemetery on Friday, May 18, 1900 at o'clock p.m.