Altdorfer, Frank Louis | d. 4 Nov 1882 | 26 yrs. | R 97 S 290 |
Altdorfer. November 4th, 1882, F. Louis Altdorfer, in his 27th year. Funeral services at St. John's church, 16th and H street northwest, Monday, November 6th, at 3 p.m. |
Altdorfer, Margaret | d. 30 Jun 1901 | 69 yrs. 2 mos. | R 97 S 291 |
Altdorfer. On Sunday, June 30 at 4 a.m., Margaret Altdorfer, wife of the late Philip Altdorfer. Funeral from her late residence, 125 Pierce street, Anacostia, D.C. on Tuesday, July 2. Friends and relatives invited to attend. More |
Altdorfer, Philip | d. 25 Feb 1885 | 57 yrs. | R 97 S 291 |
Altdorfer. On Wednesday evening, February 25th, 1885, at his late residence, 915 Twenty-sixth st. n.w., Philip Altdorfer, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. Funeral at St. John’s church, corner 16th and H street n.w., on Saturday, February 28th, 1885, at 2 o’clock sharp. Friends and relatives invited to attend. |
Altdorfer, William L. | d. 29 Aug 1913 | 40 yrs. 5 mos. 11 days | R 97 S 290 |
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