Able, Albert d. 22 Feb 1887 57 yrs. R 9 S 190
  Able. On Tuesday evening, February 22, 1887, Albert Able aged 57 years. Funeral will take place Thursday, February 24 at 3 o'clock from his late residence, 109 M street southeast. Friends and relatives are respectfully invited to attend.
     Weep not for our dear father
     His blessed spirit is fled
     He sweetly sleeps in Jesus
     Amidst the silent dead.
          By His Children
  Able, Susan d. 26 Mar 1900 72 yrs. R 9 S 188
  Able. Departed this life on Monday, March 26, 1900 at 7:10 a.m., Susan Able, the widow of the late Albert Able.
     Her busy hands are folded
     Her work on earth is done
     Her trials are all ended
     Her heavenly crown is won.
Funeral will take place from her late residence, 416 G street southeast, Wednesday, March 28 at 2:0 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend.