Abigail, William Ernest | d. 7 Mar 1914 | 33 yrs. | R 152 S 194 |
Abigail. On Saturday, March 7, 1914, at 1 a.m, William Ernest Abigail, beloved husband of Clara V. Abigail (nee King), in the thirty-fourth year of his age. My wearied limbs are now at rest, My working days are o'er; I meet my friends whom God hath blest In heaven, where we shall part no more. Dear wife, farewell; my life is past; May you and I unite at last. Weep not for me, nor sorrow take, But love my baby for my sake. Funeral from his late residence, 1208 V street northwest, Monday, March 9 at 1 p.m. Interment at Congressional cemetery. |